Kolkata/Assam/Gangtok/Darjeeling tour



Kolkata/Assam/Gangtok/Darjeeling tour

Posted By : bonjour/ 687 0
Guides were good specialy in Kolkkata, very interesting,  perfect knolewdge of french, art, history and handicraft.
In Sanderbans, amazing sight on local traditions, landscape and animals. The guide Narajat Patma and his young colleague gave us many explanations on the local way of life, and animals. Housing simple but  typical and clean.
Two sympathic guys in Sikkim, very kind and carefull and in Assam as well. Hotels were excellent in Gangtok, Darjeeling et Kasiranga, with good balance between modernism and heritage, and delicious cooking. Good hotel in Schillong too, perfect room, but restaurant to be forgotten.
So we are very satisfied of the organisation, of the program. Thanks a lot for so much kindness of all the persons that looked after us.
Many thanks to BonjourBonheur and his team.
We hope see you next years!

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